Monday, February 3, 2014
6:30 p.m.
City Hall Auditorium
1. Vote to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 27, 2014, adjourned from January 21, 2014.
Open to Public
2. Vote to open the meeting to the public.
457 Plan
3. Review of updated 457 Plan Document with Mike Linehan of ING.
4. Vote to adopt updated 457 Plan Document.
5. Vote to authorize the Retirement Benefit Committee, through the RFQ process, to move forward with third party administrator cost and benefit research to manage the City's various 457 plans.
6. Mayoral Appointments
Vote to approve the following Mayoral appointments:
Marie Soliani Cable TV Advisory Council 2 year term to expire July 1, 2014
Lucille Paige Reappointment, Cable TV Advisory Council 2 year term to expire July 1, 2014
John Luciano Reappointment, Cable TV Advisory Council 2 year term to expire July 1, 2014
Jennifer Plasky Coe Memorial Park Committee 5 year term to expire Dec. 31, 2018
Margaret Keywan Reappointment, Coe Memorial Park Comm. 5 year term to expire Dec. 31, 2018
7. Portable Toilet Rental
Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent's recommendation to extend the current Portable Toilet Rental bid contract for the upcoming year with Suburban Sanitation Services, Inc. of Canton, CT at the same rates of $75 per regular unit per month and $100 per handicap unit per month.
8. Exceed Budget for Road Salt
Vote to approve the Director of Public Works' and Street Superintendent's request to exceed budgeted line item for salt (0010.0031.5258) to allow continuing purchases of treated salt for Winter 2014.
9. City Software Licensing
Vote to authorize the Mayor to enter into a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement negotiated by the State of CT to provide access to all versions of the Windows operating system for upgrades and Office Professional suite for new installs or upgrades across all City departments for a cost of $65,685.49 for each of three years from the IT budget line item # 0010.0018. 5346.0000 – Software.
10. Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvements
Acting herein as the Water Pollution Control Authority, vote to approve the following payments from Fund #490, Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement for Capital Project D-2A East Drainage Basin Rehabilitation and Sewer Repairs:
1/8/14 Weston & Sampson 429143 $4,120.00 East Drainage Basin I/I Design
12/31/13 P&G Pepper 11097 $1,000.00 Sewer Repair Main Street
12/31/13 P&G Pepper 11103 $2,617.54 Sewer Repair Newfield Rd
12/31/13 P&G Pepper 11104 $2,590.50 Sewer Repair Harwinton Ave
Forensic Audit – Tax Collector
11. Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent's and Selection Committee's recommendation to award the Forensic Audit-Tax Collector bid to Ron L. Beaulieu & Co. of Portland ME for a cost not to exceed $76,600 and to authorize the Mayor to act on behalf of the City for the execution and administration of this contract.
12. Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.
13. Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.
14. Vote to enter Executive Session under pending litigation.